Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Epilogue - Daring Greatly

And so it ends, not with a bang but with a whimper.

3:06:54 - about a minute and a half slower than last time out, wasn't exactly how I wanted it to pan out. That's not the whole story though, the fact is that the training left me feeling in better shape than ever and I genuinely thought that something in the region of 3 hours was possible. On another day it probably was.

To avoid repeating myself, most of what I wanted to say is on the post I wrote for the club. Have a read of that HERE and then come back....


Right, it isn't all bad - there are lots of positives. Smashing a series of PBs en route has shown me the benefit of an actual training plan rather than the half-arsed attempts of previous years. It's something I can build on over Autumn and Winter. After the required rest, I'll be planning on not embarrassing myself in the Cross Country season and then look to post some properly quick times over some shorter distances. 

The simple fact is I don't regret trying to go for a quicker time, if it had worked I'd have looked like a genius. Sadly however!

When you are dealing with such fine margins, disappointment is a necessary part of it. It just makes me more determined to get things right on the next time out. Speaking of which - the London ballot is out in a few weeks. Maybe I'll be blogging again in the New Year...

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