Sunday, 9 August 2015

Final Tune-Up

13 Days to Go

We're almost there, and despite my initial scepticism, the race yesterday did me the world of good. The Stourbridge Stumble probably wouldn't be everyone's first choice of a tune-up run - seeing as it's mostly off road, very hilly and involves a fair chunk of running of sand - but it fit in with the plan so needs must in the circumstances.

Not for the first time during the training, I ended up running in some less than ideal weather. This time it was the heat (not sure why I'm surprised, it was August) however my previous runs home and in particular the Black Country Half meant that I was better prepared than some. Fellow Harriers Paul  Gorman and Mat Pollard seemed particularly affected by it which was a shame as they're both running well.

The race itself was the usual for Stourbridge - a steady start before a frantic dash to get a good position before the single file sections, holding off runners on the uphill sections before they passed me on the flat and then me passing them again on the sandy bit. This time I really felt the benefit of all the training as I spent the last mile in a bit of a battle with another runner before getting the jump on him in the last few hundred meters for a strong finish.

Overall, knackered but a good day at the office. So much so, I broke my detox rule and treated myself to a couple of Norwegian beers once I got home...

...which was a bit daft considering I still had to do a reasonably long run in the morning. I made it up and down the canal but it was a tough old slog. A combination of race fatigue, heat and a hangover didn't make for a particularly pleasant experience. Oh well, it was entirely self-inflicted so can't complain. At least I have the knowledge that it was the last long run I'll be doing. Until the big day obviously.

Soon be time to start packing...

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