Sunday, 26 July 2015

Towards the End of Things...

26 Days to Go

Almost there! Tomorrow is the start of the final week of hard training. To be honest, it's really only the thought of the imminent tapering that is keeping me going. It was a hard slog this weekend, not only with running but also having to drive up and down the M6 to fulfil my social responsibilities.

Switched my long run to Saturday morning and managed 18 miles (this was the prescribed distance - not sure I could manage the 14 at marathon pace though) on a simple route along the canal into town and back. I managed to dodge most of the bad weather - although I should really have taken my phone so I could have snapped some of the many Owls that it has now become my mission to visit.

An important lesson was learned on the way back as by mile 16 I was really struggling and convinced  that my pace was dropping off somewhat drastically. However when I finally stumbled home and looked, the running had stayed pretty consistent. It just goes to reinforce how important the psychological aspect of any race is - particularly stupidly long ones like marathons!

After that it was a dart up the motorway for Martyn and Jen's housewarming in Warrington. A really nice day and a good catch-up with the crew and assorted children. It must have been a good night as I woke up in the kindly provided guest room with one of their cats effectively asleep on my head. At least it kept me warm!

Strange times indeed. 

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